Life Lesson #1

As we wrap up our lifestyle as we know it, Michael and I have been reflecting on how lucky we are. It’s not just anyone who can take a months-long hiatus from adult life. The weeks and months of preparing are finally coming to fruition; we’re leaving on Sunday evening. By way of NYC, Alaska, and Taiwan, we should land on Tuesday Chiang Mai.

So to the life lesson part: Through the hustle of these last days in WV, I have felt so incredibly supported by friends, family, and the even the randoms who’ve heard our story. The life we’re wrapping up and leaving behind is a pretty darn good one. These weeks have had us prioritizing our time, hosting gatherings, and visiting local spots that we’ve been meaning to “get around to”. What a shame, though, that it takes us leaving to do these things! My aim is to draw from the memory of this and, while continuing to plan for the long-term, to live my life like I have for the last few weeks – treating each day with the excitement that it deserves.

And as thrilled as we are to leave, I’d also like to share a few of the things we’re pretty sad to leave behind:

…The Friends…

…The Families…

…And of course, the Farm…

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6 Responses to Life Lesson #1

  1. Margaret says:

    Hi, U 2! What a great start on your long recess and adventure 🙂 I will enjoy your trip every day and every photo along the way. Travel! Travel! Travel!! xoxox, Auntie M

  2. vickie says:

    Hey Sweetie, wish you well on your travels

  3. Momma Lou says:

    Missing you two already! Slept through the Northern Lights…oh my!! xxx xxx

  4. Tammy says:

    I LOVE the pic of the girls that you used! Priceless.

  5. scott allison says:

    cool pix……… there a thai version of brahma?…………..hope all is well…………language barrier a bit broader than Sao Paulo? How are u guys dealing w/that?

    Bonnie sends her love as well — wishes for safe travels to you guys……….anxious to connect when u return

    • Michael says:

      It is Chang or Leo, but you know it is not as cold as Brahma….it is 104 degrees here right now. Just imagine how fast you need to get those ‘tall’ bottles down before it becomes lukewarm; i.e. trouble.

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